Alpha Phi Omega - Epsilon Gamma

Alpha Phi Omega Crest

About Alpha Phi Omega

Alpha Phi Omega is a coed National Service Fraternity that began in 1925. It is made up of college students who have gathered together in an organization based on fraternalism and founded on the principles of the Boy Scouts of America. Its purpose is to develop leadership, promote friendship, and provide service to humanity. Throughout the years its brothers have continued to give countless hours of their time to their communities, colleges, and the nation in an effort to serve all mankind. Nationwide, Alpha Phi Omega is the largest active Fraternity.

Alfred University hosts the Epsilon Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. The brotherhood brings together students with an interest in helping each other, the campus, and the Alfred community through service. Alpha Phi Omega provides service opportunities both on and off campus and is commited to the ideals of leadership, friendship, and service. Each brother gives at least 15 hours of service per semester or 30 hours per year. Plus, 30 hours is only the minimum - most brothers far exceed that number. Just imagine what is done in that time!

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