Dr. Liu's Main Page



Selected Publications
1. W. Zhang and D.W. Liu (corresponding author) “Nitrogen-treated Hierarchical Macro-/Mesoporous TiO2 Used as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries with High Performance at Elevated Temperatures” Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 156, 53

2. P. Gao and D.W. Liu (corresponding author) “Facile synthesis of copper oxide nanostructures and their application in non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensing” Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 2015, 208, 346

3. W. Zhang, Y.X. Gong, N.P. Mellott, D.W. Liu, and J.G. Li (corresponding author)“Synthesis of nickel doped anatase titanate as high performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries” J. Power Sources 2015, 276, 39

4. W. Zhang, W.D. Zhou, J.H. Wright, Y.N. Kim, J.H. Wright, X.C. Xiao and D.W. Liu (corresponding author) “Mn-doped TiO2 nanosheet-based spheres as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries with high performance at elevated temperatures” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6, 7292 

5. S.Q. Liang, T. Chen, A.Q. Pan, D.W. Liu, Q.Y. Zhu, and G.Z. Cao “Synthesis of Na1.25V3O8 Nanobelts with Excellent Long-Term Stability for Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 11913

6. P. Gao, Y.X. Gong, N.P. Mellott and D.W. Liu (corresponding author) Non-enzymatic amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide using grass-like CuO" Accepted by Electrochim Acta

7. P. Gao and D.W. Liu (corresponding author) "Hydrothermal preparation of nest-like CuO nanostructures for non-enzymatic amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide" Accepted by RSC Adv.

8. P. Gao and D.W. Liu (corresponding author) "Petal-like CuO nanostructures prepared by a simple wet chemical method, and their application to non-enzymatic amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide" Accepted by Microchim Acta

*Below starts publications finished prior to research in Alfred.*

9. D.W. Liu, Y.Y. Liu, S.L. Candelaria, G.Z. Cao, J. Liu and Y.H. Jeong "Atomic Layer deposition of Al2O3 on V2O5 xerogel film for enhanced lithium-ion intercalation stability" J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 2012, 30, 01A123

10. S.L. Candelaria, B.B. Garcia, D.W. Liu, and G.Z. Cao "Nitrogen modification of highly porous carbon for improved supercapacitor performance" J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 9884

11. D.W. Liu, Y.Y. Liu, A.Q. Pan, K.P. Nagle, G.T. Seidler, Y.H. Jeong and G,Z, Cao "Enhanced Li-ion intercalation properties of V2O5 xerogel electrodes with surface defects", J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 4959

12. Y.Y. Liu, D.W. Liu, Q.F. Zhang and G.Z. Cao "Nanostructured materials with surface modification for high efficient lithium ion intercalation" Invited feature article, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 9969

13. B.B. Garcia, D.W. Liu, S. Sepehri, S. Candelaria, D.M. Beckham, L.W. Savage and G.Z. Cao "Hexamethylenetetramine multiple catalysis as a porosity and pore size modifier in carbon cryogels", J. Non-cryst. solids 2010, 356, 1620

14. D.W. Liu and G.Z. Cao "Fabrication of nanostructured electrodes and film-electrodes for efficient lithium ion intercalation", Invited perspective article, Energy Environ. Sci.2010, 3, 1218

15. Q.F. Zhang, C.S. Dandeneau, K. Park, D.W. Liu, X.Y. Zhou, Y.H. Jeong and G.Z. Cao "Light scattering with oxide nanocrystallite aggregates for dye-sensitized solar cell application", J. Nanophotonics 2010, 4, 041540

16. Q.F. Zhang, C.S. Dandeneau, S. Candelaria, D.W. Liu, B.B. Garcia, X.Y. Zhou, Y.H. Jeong and G.Z. Cao "Effects of lithium ions on dye-sensitized ZnO aggregate solar cells", Chem. Mater. 2010, 22, 2427

17. D.W. Liu, Y.Y. Liu, B.B. G, Q.F. Zhang, A.Q. Pan, Y.H. Jeong and G.Z. Cao "V2O5 xerogel electrodes with much enhanced lithium-ion intercalation properties with N2 annealing", J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19, 8789

18. D.W. Liu, Y.H. Zhang, P. Xiao, B.B. Garcia, Q.F. Zhang, X.Y. Zhou, Y.H. Jeong and G.Z. Cao "TiO2 nanotube array annealed in CO exhibiting high performance for lithium ion intercalation", Electrochimi Acta 2009, 54, 6816

19. D.W. Liu, B.B. Garcia, Q.F. Zhang, Q. Guo, Y.H. Zhang, S. Sepehri and G.Z. Cao "Hydrous manganese dioxide nanowall arrays with large lithium ion energy storage capacities", Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1015 Highlighted by Science 2009, 324, 1242

20. Y.H. Zhang, P. Xiao, X.Y. Zhou, D.W. Liu, B.B. Garcia and G.Z. Cao "Carbon monoxide annealed TiO2 nanotube array electrodes for efficient biosensor applications", J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19, 948

21. P. Xiao, D.W. Liu, B.B. Garcia, S. Sepehri, Y.H. Zhang and G.Z. Cao "Electrochemical and photoelectrical properties of titania nanotube arrays annealed in different gases", Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 2008, 134, 367

22. D.W. Liu, P. Xiao, Y.H. Zhang, B.B. Garcia, Q.F. Zhang, Q. Guo, R. Champion and G.Z. Cao "TiO2 nanotube arrays annealed in N2 for efficient lithium-ion intercalation", J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 11175

23. G.Z. Cao and D.W. Liu "Template-based synthesis of nanorod, nanowire, and nanotube array", Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 2008, 136, 45

24. D.W. Liu, Q.F. Zhang, P. Xiao, B.B. Garcia, Q. Guo, R. Champion and G.Z. Cao "Hydrous manganese dioxide nanowall arrays growth and their Li ions intercalation electrochemical properties", Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 1376

Classes Taught

CEMS 203 Introduction to Ceramic Powders

CEMS 214 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering

ENGR 310 Fuel cell Principles and Technology