Past issues, 1980 (Vol. 7) - 1989 (Vol. 16)
Spring 1989
Vol. 16. no. 1
Price: $20.00
Jeffrey Merrick, page 1
Patterns and Prosecution of Suicide in Eighteenth-Century Paris
Nelson-M. Dawson, page 55
The Filles du roy Sent to New France: Protestant, Prostitute or Both?
Marc Lagana, page 79
L'échec de la commision d'enquête coloniale du Front populaire
John Christian Laursen, page 99
Michel de Montaigne and the Politics of Skepticism
Summer & Fall 1989
Vol. 16, nos. 2 & 3
Price: $25.00
Ivan Strenski, page 135
Durkheim, Hamelin and the "French Hegel"
Horst H. Hutter, page 177
Philosophy as Self-Transformation
François Laplanche, page 199
Sciences religieuses, conflits politiques et confessionnels, mutations culturelles
Andrew E. Barnes, page 217
On the Necessity of Shaping Men Before Forming Christians: The Institutionalization of Catholicism in Early Modern Europe and Modern Africa
J. E. Ziegler, page 251
The Medieval Virgin as Object: Art or Anthropology?
Angelika Gross, page 265
L'exégèses iconographique du terme insipiens du Psaume 52
Jonathan L. Pearl, page 286
"A School for the Rebel Soul": Politics and Demonic Possession in France
Terence D. Murphy, page 307
The Transformation of Traditional Medical Culture under the Old Regime
Ian Box, page 351
Medicine and Medical Imagery in Bacon's "Great Instauration"
Spring 1988
Vol. 15, no. 1
Price: $30.00
Edited by Ellery Schalk
Ellery Schalk, page vii
Randolph Starn, page 1
William Bouwsma and the Paradoxes of History
Gene Brucker, page 13
Religious Sensibilities in Early Modern Europe: Examples from the Records of the Holy Penitentiary
Ronald F. E. Weissman, page 27
Brothers and Strangers: Confraternal Charity in Renaissance Florence
Nelson H. Minnich, page 47
Alexios Celadenus : A Disciple of Bessarion in Renaissance Italy
Charles G. Nauert, Jr., page 65
Graf Hermann von Neuenahr and the Limits of Humanism in Cologne
Sandra Berke Harding, page 81
Neoscholasticism and the Rule of God's Law: The Thought of the Castilian Theologian Alfonso Castro
Frederick J. McGinness, page 99
Roma Sancta and the Saint: Eucharist, Chastity, and the Logic of Catholic Reform
Georgiana Davidson, page 117
Divine Guidance and the Use of Sources: A Case from the Annales of Caesar Baronius
Grietje Sloan, page 131
The Transformation of Religious Conversion form the Renaissance to the Counter-Reformation: Petrarch and Caravaggio
A. N. Galpern, page 151
The Art of Non-Communication if Bosch
Lionel Rothkrug, page 161
German Holiness and Western Sanctity in Medieval and Modern History
Elisabeth G. Gleason, page 251
Reading Between the Lines of Gasparo Contarini's Treatise on the Venetian State
George Huppert, page 271
Lucullus, Crassus and Cato in Grenoble
Ellery Schalk, page 279
Under the Law or Laws unto Themselves: Noble Attitudes and Absolutism in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century France
Helen Nader, page 293
Hapsburg Ceremony in Spain: The Reality of the Myth
Summer 1988
Vol. 15, no. 2
Price: Out of print
Patrick H. Hutton, page 311
Collective Memory and Collective Mentalities: The Halbwachs-Ariès Connection
Patricia Osmond de Martino, page 323
"The Idea of Constantinople": A Prolegomenon to Further Study
Daniel J. Sherman, page 337
Art Museums, Inspections, and the Limits to Cultural Policy in the Early Third Republic
Laurence Evans, page 361
The Gift of the Sea: Civil Logistics and the Industrial Revolution
Helen Boss, page 417
Division of Labour and Unproductive Labour in a System of Natural Liberty: Adam Smith's Dilemma
Fall 1988
Vol. 15, no. 3
Price: Out of print
Philippe Carrand, page 443
History as a Kind of Writing: On the Poetics of Historiography
Mark Golden, page 455
The Effects of Slavery on Citizen Households and Children: Aeschylus, Aristophanes and Athens
Keith R. Bradley, page 447
Roman Slavery and Roman Law
Michael C. Howard and John E. King, page 497
Lenin's Political Economy, 1905-1914: The Prussian and American Paths to the Development of Capitalism in Russia
Gillis J. Harp, page 523
Lester Ward: Comtean Whig
Stanley Johannesen, page 543
The Holy Ghost in Sunset Park
Spring 1987
Vol. 14, no. 1
Price: $20.00
John F. Laffey, page 1
Cacophonic Rites: Modernism and Postmodernism
Keith R. Bradley, page 33
Dislocation in the Roman Family
Luther H. Martin, page 65
Aelius Aristides and the Technology of Oracular Dreams
André Rauch, page 73
Histoires du corps et de la maladie
Walter Klaassen, page 95
The Schleithein Articles and the New Christian Living
John S. Brownlee, page 113
Ideological Control in Ancient Japan
Morris Altman, page 135
Note on the Economic Burden of the Seigniorial System in New France, 1688-1739
Summer 1987
Vol. 14, no. 2
Price: $20.00
Lionel Rothkrug, page 143
Holy Shrines, Religious Dissonance and Satan in the Origins of the German Reformation
Michael Wolfe, page 287
The Conversion of Henri IV and the Origins of Bourbon Absolutism
Peter Flaherty, page 311
Langue nationale/langue naturelle: The Politics of Linguistic Uniformity during the French Revolution
Eric Davis, page 329
Gide's L'Immoraliste and the Crisis of Historical Thought
Jocelyn Létourneau, page 345
L'économie politique des trente glorieuses. Apport et originalité des analyses en terme de régulation
Fall, 1987
Vol. 14, no. 3
Price: Out of print
Edited by Thomas Head and Richard Landes
Winter 1986
Vol. 13, no. 1
Price: $45.00 (Hardbound)
George Armstrong Kelly, Mortal Politics in Eighteenth-Century France
Summer & Fall 1986
Vol. 13, nos. 2 & 3
Price: $25.00
Helen Boss, page 335
A Reappraisal of Marxian Economics: The Productive-Labour Theory of Value and Its Corollaries
John E. Crowley, page 377
Inheritance and Generational Privilege in Locke's Two Treatises of Government
Dale Van Kley, page 393
The Jansenist Constitutional Legacy in the French Prerevolution 1750-1789
Steven D. Sargent, page 455
Miracle Books and Pilgrimage Shrines in Late Medieval Bavaria
Paul Michael Cohen, page 473
Reason and Faith: The Bergsonian Catholic Youth of Pre-War France
Anne Pérotin-Dumon, page 499
Ambiguous Revolution in the Caribbean: The White Jacobins, 1789-1800
Lloyd S. Kramer, page 517
Intellectual History and Reality: The Search for Connections
Spring 1985
Vol. 12, no. 1
Price: $20.00
Keith R. Bradley, page 1
The Early Development of Slavery at Rome
Nelson Dawson, page 9
Les filles du roi: des pollueuses? La France du XVIIe siècle
Elliot Rose, page 39
An Open Elite? England 1540-1880
Martin S. Staum, page 49
Human, Not Secular Sciences: Ideology in the Central Schools
Robert J. Hind, page 77
The Loss of English Working-Class Parents' Control over their Children's Education: The Role of Property-Holders
Peter W. Sinclair, page 109
Uncertainty and Rationality: A Review of the Present Crisis in Economics
Summer 1985
Vol. 12, no. 2
Price: $20.00
Kevin Jerome Davidson, page 133
Imitation and Innovation in Matter of England Romance
Patrick J. Geary, page 205
Liturgical Perspective in La Queste del Saint Graal
Steven D. Sargent, page 219
Religious Responses to Social Violence in Eleventh-Century Aquitaine
Jonathan L. Pearl, page 241
Demons and Politics in France, 1560-1630
Werner O. Packull, page 253
The Image of the "Common Man" in the Early Pamphlets of the Reformation (1520-1525)
Richard J. Bazillion, page 279
Urban Violence and the Modernization Process in Pre-March Saxony 1830-1831 and 1845
Patricia M. Morton, page 305
The New New-Police Historiography
Keith R. Bradley, page 311
Child Labour in the Roman World
Fall 1985
Vol. 12, no. 3
Price: Out of print
Keith Walden, page 331
The Road to Fat City: An Interpretation of the Development of Weight Consciousness in Western Society
John F. Laffey, page 375
Social Psychology as Political Ideology: The Case of Wilfred Trotter and William McDougall
Christine Piette, page 403
Réflexions historiques sur les traditions révolutionnaires à Paris au XIXe siècle
Leonard Guelke, page 419
The Making of Two Frontier Communities: Cape Colony in the Eighteenth Century
Jean Stubbs, page 449
Labour and Economy in Cuban Tobacco, 1860-1958
M.C. Howard, page 469
Fernand Braudel on Capitalism: A Theoretical Analysis
Keith R. Bradley, page 485
Child Care at Rome: The Role of Men
Spring 1984
Vol. 11, no. 1
Price: $20.00
William W. Stein, page 1
Images of the Peruvian Indian Peasant in the Work of José Carlos Mariategui
Anthony Molho, page 37
Giovanni Rucellai's Zibaldone
Lloyd S. Kramer, page 45
Exile and European Thought: Heine, Marx, and Mickiewcz in July Monarchy Paris
W. Stanford Reid, page 71
Coming to Terms with Darwin
Richard A. Jones, page 83
Canada and the Jewish Refugees of Nazi Europe
Summer 1984
Vol. 11, no. 2
Price: $20.00
Marie Marmo Mullaney, page 99
Gender and the Socialist Revolutionary Role, 1871-1921: A General Theory of the Female Revolutionary Personality
John F. Laffey, page 153
The Problematic Bourgeoisie
André Rauch, page 173
Les ambiguïtés de la tenue à l'école 1830-1880
Robert J. Hind, page 189
Elementary Schools in Nineteenth-Century England: Their Social and Historiographical Contexts
Dom Guy-Marie Oury, page 207
Les constructions monastiques des mauristes en France à l'époque classique: Quelques réflexions
Fall 1984
Vol. 11, no. 3
Price: $20.00
Thomas Head, page 215
I Vow Myself To Be Your Servant: An Eleventh-Century Pilgrim, His Chronicler and His Saint
John M. Theilmann, page 253
Communitas among Fifteenth Century Pilgrims
Laurence Evens, page 271
Junks, Rice, and Empire: Civil Logistics and the Mandate of Heaven
Ethella Herman, page 315
La période royale à Rome: Légende et histoire
Benjamin F. Martin, page 323
Sex, Property, and Crime in the Third Republic: A Statistical Introduction
Richard D. Sonn, page 351
Language, Crime, and Class: The Popular Culture of French Anarchism in the 1890s
Lloyd S. Kramer, page 373
Lafayette and the Historians: Changing Symbol, Changing Needs, 1834-1984
Harry C. Payne, page 403
The Ritual Question and Modernizing Society, 1800-1945 - A Schema for a History
Spring 1983
Vol. 10, no. 1
Price: $20.00
John C. Cairns, page 1
Intellectuals, War, and Transcendence Before 1914
Laurence Evans, page 19
Gulliver Bound: Civil Logistics and the Destiny of France
Dom Guy-Marie Oury, page 45
Les sculptures de Beaulieu-lès-Loches: Essai d'interprétation
Lionel Rothkrug, page 59
Peasant and Jew: Fears of Pollution and German Collective Perceptions
Wayne M. Bledsoe and John S. Thomas, page 79
The Origins of the Agricultural Foundations of Civilization
Jacques Bernier, page 91
L'intégration du corps médical québecois à la fin du XIXe siècle
Ramsay Cook, page 115
The Making of Canadian Working Class History
Patrick J. Harrigan, page 127
Social Mobility and Schooling in History: Recent Methods and Conclusions
David Gregory, page 143
Karl Marx's and Friedrich Engles' Knowledge of French Socialism in 1842-43
Summer 1983
Vol. 10, no. 2
Price: $20.00
Joanna Bowen Gillespie, page 195
Modesty Canonized: Female Saints in Antebellum Methodist Sunday School Literature
Thomas W. Africa, page 221
The Final Vision of Arnold Toynbee
Patricia M. Morton, page 229
Life After Butterfield? John Burrow's A Liberal Descent and the Recent Historiography of Victorian Historians
Fred H. Matthews, page 245
Historians and the Eclipse of Civil Religion: Progressivism in Recent American Historiography
John F. Laffey, page 269
Society, Economy, and Psyche: The Case of Pierre Janet
Elly Hermon, page 295
Education et vérité: Aspects de las réforme de l'enseignement de l'histoire pendent l'entre-duex-guerres
Philip F. Riley, page 313
Hard Times, Police and the Making of Public Policy in the Paris of Louis XIV
Fall 1983
Vol. 10, no. 3
Price: $20.00
Morris Altman, page 335
Seigniorial Tenure in New France, 1688-1739: An Essay on Income Distribution and Retarded Economic Development
Oscar L. Arnal, page 377
Emmanuel Mounier and Paradigm of the Catholic Avant-Garde (1930-1950)
John F. H. New, page 387
Skinner's One Dimensional Political Theory
Gilman M. Ostrander, page 395
Accreditations for the Old-Time American College
Arlette Gautier, page 409
Les esclaves femmes aux Antilles françaises 1635-1848
Keith R. Bradley, page 435
Slave Kingdoms and Slave Rebellions in Ancient Sicily
Spring & Summer 1982
Vol. 9, nos. 1 & 2
Price: $40.00 (Hardbound)
Edited by Jean-Pierre Goubert
Jean-Pierre Goubert, page 3
Introduction: 1770-1830: La première croisade médicale
W. R. Albury, page 17
Heart of Darkness: J. N. Corvisart and the Medicalization of Life
Lydie Boulle, page 33
La médicalisation des hôpitaux parisiens dans la première moité du XIXème siècle
Jean-Pierre Goubert et Bernard Lepetit, page 45
Les niveaux de médicalisation des villes françaises á la fin de l'Ancien Régime
Jacques Léonard, page 69
La Restauration et la profession médicale
Jacques Gélis, page 85
Miracle et médecine aux siècles classiques: Le corps médical et le retour temporaire à la vie des mort-nés
Dominique Lorillot, page 103
1789: Les médecins ont la parole
Jan Brüglemann, page 131
Observations on the Process of Medicalization in Germany, 1770-1830, Based on Medical Topographies
Catherine Maillé-Virole, page 153
La naissance d'un personnage: Le médecin parisien à la fin de l'Ancien Régime
Evelyn Bernette Ackerman, page 181
The Activities of a Country Doctor in New York State: Dr. Elias Cornelius of Somers, 1794-1803
John Spears and Diane Sydenham, page 195
The Evolution of Medical Practice in Two Marginal Areas of the Western World, 1750-1830
Matthew Ramsey, page 215
Traditional Medicine and Medical Enlightenment: The Regulation of Secret Remedies in the Ancien Régime
Bénédicte Dehillerin with Jean-Pierre Goubert, page 233
A la conquête du monopole pharmaceutique: Le Collège de Pharmacie de Paris (1777-1796)
Pascale Cosma-Muller, page 249
Entre science et commerce: Les eaux minérales en France à la fin de l'Ancien Régime
Barbara Tunis, page 264
Public Vaccination in Lower Canada, 1815-1823: Controversy and a Dilemma
Dora B. Weiner, page 279
The Role of the Doctor in Welfare Work: The Philanthropic Society of Paris, 1780-1715
Fall 1982
Vol. 9, no. 3
Price: $20.00
John W. Chaffee, page 305
To Spread One's Wings: Examinations and the Social Order in Southeastern China During the Southern Song
Michel Despland, page 333
Tillich, chrétien et socialiste allemand, face aux réalités culturelles et politiques de son temps
James Walvin, page 353
Dust to Dust: Celebrations of Death in Victorian England
André Rauch, page 373
La politique scolaire en matière de gymnastique au XIXème siècle
Charles L. Bertrand, page 383
The Biennio Rosso: Anarchists and Revolutions Syndicalists in Italy, 1919-1920
Michael Craton, page 403
A Cresting Wave? Recent Trends in the Historiography of Slavery, with Special Reference to the British Caribbean
Keith A. P. Sandiford, page 421
Cricket and the Victorians: A Historiographical Essay
Ethella Herman, page 437
L'Empire romain: concept et approche d'analyse
Spring 1981
Vol. 8, no. 1
Price: $20.00
Arlene Miller Guinsburg, page 3
The Counterthrust to Sixteenth Century Misogyny: The Work of Agrippa and Paracelsus
John S. Brownlee, page 29
The Advancement of Japanese Historical Scholarship in Jinno Shotoki, 1339 A.D.
E. Patricia Tsurumi, page 41
Japan's Early Female Emperors
Thomas R. Osborne, page 51
Social Science at the Sciences Po: Training the Bureaucratic Elite in the Early Third Republic
Stuart Michael Persell, page 77
The Role of the Union Coloniale Française and the Fédération Intercoloniale in Colonial Tariff Reform, 1893-1925
Robert J. Young, page 93
L'Attaque Brusquée and Its Use as Myth in Interwar France
W. Stanford Reid, page 115
The Four Monarchies of Daniel in Reformation Historiography
Summer 1981
Vol. 8, no. 2
Price: $20.00
Jean-Michel Mehl, page 3
Tricheurs et tricheries dans la France médiévale: l'exemple du jeu de dés
Mary Lynn McDougall, page 27
Popular Culture, Political Culture: The Case of Lyon, 1830-1850
André Sanfaçon, page 43
Organisation municipal, mobilité at tensions sociales à Chartres dans la seconde moité du XVIIe siècle
W. Jay Reedy, page 69
Burke and Bonald: Paradigms of Late Eighteenth-Century Conservatism
Lionel Rothkrug, page 95
The "Odour of Sanctity," and the Hebrew Origins of Christian Relic Veneration
Cary J. Nederman, page 143
Thrasymachus and Athenian Politics: Ideology and Political Thought in the Late Fifth Century B.C.
Patricia Morton, page 169
Another Victorian Paradox: Anti-Militarism in a Jingoistic Society
Guy Thuillier, page 191
Réflexions sur l'histoire
Fall 1981
Vol. 8, no. 3
Price: $30.00
Edited by Richard W. Guisso and Stanley Johannesen
Kathryn A Tsai, page 1
The Chinese Buddhist Monastic Order for Women: the First Two Centuries
Roger T. Ames, page 21
Taoism and the Androgynous Ideal
Richard W. Guisso, page 47
Thunder Over the Lake: The Five Classics and the Perception of Woman in Early China
Marina H. Sung, page 63
The Chinese Lieh-nü Tradition
Lorriane Ding, page 75
The Many Faces of Cui Yingying
Priscilla Ching Chung, page 99
Power and Prestige: Palace Women in the Northern Sung (960-1126)
Patricia Ebrey, page 113
Women in the Kinship System of the Southern Song Upper Class
Ann Waltner, page 129
Widows and Remarriage in Ming and Early Quig China
Dian Murray, page 147
One Woman's Rise to Power: Cheng I's Wife and the Pirates
Bernice J. Lee, page 163
Female Infanticide in China
Alison R. Drucker, page 179
The Influence of Western Women on the Anti-Footbinding Movement 1840-1911
Sue Bradshaw, O.S.F, page 201
Catholic Sisters in China: An Effort to Raise the Status of Women
Charlotte L. Beahan, page 215
In the Public Eye: Women in Early Twentieth-Century China
Spring 1980
Vol. 7, no. 1
Price: $30.00
Lionel Rothrug, Religious Practices and Collective Perceptions: Hidden Homologies in the Renaissance and Reformation
Summer & Fall 1980
Vol. 7, nos. 2 & 3
Price: $50.00 (Hardbound)
Edited by Donald N. Baker and Patrick J. Harrigan
Patrick J. Harrigan, page 3
Historians and Compilers Joined: The Historiography of the 1970s and the French Enquêtes of the Nineteenth Century
Jean-Pierre Briand, Jean-Michel Chapoulie et Henri Péretz, page 23
L'évolution de la scolarisation post-obligatoire: un schéma d'analyse
Jean de Viguerie, page 55
Tableau de la théorie péedagogique pendant la première moitié du 18e siècle
Michel Claeyssen, page 63
L'enseignement de la lecture au 18e siècle
Jean Perrel, page 75
Les écoles de filles dans la France d'Ancien Régime
Daniel Féliciangéli, page 85
Substrat éducatif dans le Comté de Nice à l'arrivée des Français en 1792
Louis Trenard, page 95
L'enseignement de la langue nationale: une réforme pédagogique, 1750-1790
Mary Jo Maynes, page 115
Work or School? Youth and the Family in the Midi in the Early Nineteenth Century
Gérard Cholvy, page 135
Une école des pauvres au début du 19e siècle: "pieuses filles," bèates ou soeurs des campagnes
Gabriel Desert, page 143
Alphabétisation et scolarisation dans le Grand-Ouest au 19e siècle
Denise Bouche, page 207
L'école rurale en Afrique occidentale française de 1903 à 1956
R.R. Palmer, page 223
The Central Schools of the First French Republic: A Stastistical Survey
Pierre Zind, page 249
La religion dans les lycées sous le régime de la loi Falloux, 1850-1873
Robert Gildea, page 275
Education and the Classes Moyennes in the Nineteenth Century
Emilien Constant, page 301
Les Débuts de l'enseignement secondaire (et primaire supérieur) des jeunes filles dans le Var, 1867-1925
Patrick Ferté, page 313
La géographie statistique du recrutement des anciennes universités: un "révélateur" des effets de la conjoncture économique sur la conjoncture étudiante
Lucette Le Van-Lemesle, page 327
La Faculté de droit de Paris et l'introduction de l'économie politique dans son enseignement, 1864-1878
Roger L. Geiger, page 337
Prelude to Reform: The Faculties of Letters in the 1860s
George Weisz, page 363
The Anatomy of University Reform
C.R. Day, page 381
Making Men and Training Technicians: Boarding Schools of the Ecoles d'Arts et Métiers during the Nineteenth Century
Victor Karady, page 397
L'accèes aux grades et leurs fonctions universitaires dans les facultées des sciences au 19e siècle: examen d'une mutation
Jean-Noel Luc, page 415
L'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud: clé de voûte de l'enseignement primaire, 1882-1914
John W. Langdon, page 429
Whither the Postards? Graduates of the Ecole Sainte-Geneviève, 1914-1954
Willem Frijhoff et Dominique Julia, page 443
Le recrutement d'une congrégation ensiegnante et ses mutations à l'époque moderne: l'Oratoire de France
Dominique Julia, page 459
Les professeurs, l'église et l'état après l'expulsion des Jésuites, 1762-1789
Philippe Marchand, page 483
Recrutement et formation des régents des collèges du Nord au 18e siècle: réalité et projets
Peter V. Meyers, page 493
From Conflict to Cooperation: Men and Women Teachers in the Belle Epóque
Paul Gerbord, page 507
La sociabilité étudiante depuis 1870
Raymond Labourie, page 521
Les oeuvres de jeuness et d'éducation populaire, 1830-1870
Robert Fox, page 543
Learning, Politics and Polite Culture in Provincial France: The Sociétés Savantes in the Nineteenth Century
Edward T. Gargan, page 565
The Silence of Tocqueville on Education
Marac-Henry Soulet, page 577
Les orangisations professionnelles de représentation de l'agriculture et l'enseignement agricole, 1830-1940
Christian-Jean Guérin, page 587
Le scoutisme: uje expérience pédagogique parallèle
Michel Chauvière, page 601
Pour une histoire de l'éducation spéciale: Les interfaces des années 1940