
Free Windows Programs

Free Windows Progs


Great application to make different windows different transparencies. Great if you use file browsers or text editors with much clutter on your screen.


This is an awesome hex-editor/disassembler/assembler. Many cool abilities and features.


This is a nice notepad.exe replacement. It has numberd lines, customizable themes, and syntax highlighting.


A resource hacker. This application allows you to open windows executables (*.exe) and edit the resources, which could be small pictures or icons the program uses, also error messages and the like.


This is a free sound editor can open all formats and export as well, simple user interface.


This is the best file manager I have ever seen, fully custimizable, two panel view either horizontal or vertical, tree view on the side. Even has tabs. This is the lite version but cirtainly fully functional, the full version is not free.


This is a Mac looking sidebar that organizes you shortcuts, can show weather and other info, custonizable.


the website states:
AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on all versions of Windows out-of-the-box with no annoying "runtimes" required!



This is a small program I made with auto-it. It is a sidebar program that can be set to hide on the right. You can cusimize everything about it, what icon is shown and what programm/command that each button runs. you can add/remove buttons. at the botton it has a shutdown button and restart button along with a random button designed to play some random sound but can be programmed for anything. Not only can you have just a list of buttons, but you can make a button show another bar of buttons! for example if you have a folder with a few games in it, you can make a games button that shows all games. its a bar within a bar!.
To run simply download all files in the link above into a single folder. to have the bar run on startup, just put a shortcut in your startup folder. There is a README file in there that would be best read.


This is a skinable clock and metering application, great to show CPU% as a graph, Memory, Swap, Netstats, Disk usages, Temperature, &c.
great for those who love to know what their computer is doing.

iTunes Block


This is a program I wrote to disable the use of iTunes. If you have an annoying person that won't stop playing iTunes music and you hate their music, then this program is for you. Just click this link above and rename the exe file to something else less suspcious. Then save it on their computer in their startup folder so it starts whenever they boot up. this program waits in the background for the iTunes process to start and if it does it will kill the process. The source code is here iTunesBlock.au3 it was written in Autoit so you'll need it to compile. have fun.


I have used all of these programs with great success, works wonderfuly in unison.