SPIRAL an Evening of Dance

Artistic Director - D. Chase Angier
Lighting Designer - Sean O'Skea
AU Dance Faculty - D. Chase Angier, Robert Bingham, Dr. Linda Mitchell
Marlin and Ginger Miller Guest Artist - Sarah McCormick
Stage Manager - Sara Schnick

Choreographer: D. Chase Angier

You Have My Word
Choreographer: Sarah McCormick

A Classic Rendezvous
Choreographer: Mandi Youchak

Choreographer: Linda Mitchell

Moda Morada
Choreographers: Briana Hohnarth and Heidi Schulze

Choreographers: D. Chase Angier and Robert Bingham

Choreographer: Lindsey Glover

Kottkeesque - (excerpts)
Choreographer: Jennifer Salk

Still Waiting - (Third section of a three part Waiting series)
Choreographer: D. Chase Angier